
Tips For Managing Big Teams

Empower Your Team

Managers who are empowered will be more likely to take on challenges and find solutions to issues that arise without needing your approval. It’s a powerful way to boost morale and drive team success.

As you promote new leaders to management, consider what tasks are most important and which of those they can tackle without your involvement. For example, you could allow them to make some decisions in meetings but you might need to handle other projects that require more of your input.

Make Time

As your company grows, it may become a necessity to promote managers and increase the number of people they manage. While it can be challenging to shift from one-on-one communication with your team members to managing a larger group, with the right tools and methods, it is a doable task.

In order to manage large teams, it is important for a manager to be able to clearly communicate their expectations and provide coaching and support to their team.

Build Trust

Building trust as a manager is an essential component to achieving success with large teams. It can be challenging to build and very easy to lose, so it’s important to prioritize building trust with your management team as well as your direct reports.

Developing a consistent communication process can help you foster trust. If your team members are confident that you’ll communicate with them in a timely manner, they may be more likely to trust you and feel supported by you when things go wrong or when challenges arise.

Be Open To Feedback

Providing your team with regular feedback can help them stay on track. Be sure to be open to positive feedback as well as criticism and to act on any suggestions. This will earn you a lot of respect amongst your staff.

Don’t neglect your 1-on-1s either. Employees love the set aside closed door time they have with their managers and will see it as disrespectful if you cancel or reschedule regularly.